Service Catalog

Categories (14)

Report an Issue

Use this link to report if something is broken, not working correctly, or you are locked out of your accounts.

Information Security

IT Security is responsible for developing and implementing a comprehensive information security program. IT Security provides the policies, standards, architecture, and solutions to establish effective and secure processes of USI’s data and systems.

Accounts and Access

Support for email and Microsoft 365, as well as system access, account creation and management. Includes password resets and multi-factor authentication (MFA) issues.

Network and Wi-Fi

You can find networking and wireless services here.

Hardware, Software and Printing

Support for computers/laptops, IT accessories, monitors, printers and copiers, tablets/iPads, and computer equipment borrowed from IT or the library.

Computer Labs Support

Request classroom software and report issues with lab computers.

Audio Visual

The Audio Visual (AV) Team oversees AV technologies used within USI's educational and administrative functions.

Teaching and Learning Support

Support for online course design, accessible course material, Blackboard LMS, and other instructional technologies.

Enterprise Applications and Solutions

Support for enterprise applications and data. (e.g. Banner, Cognos, DegreeWorks)

Web and Digital Content

Request CMS Access, Request Faculty Website, Website Support/Report a Problem.

Telephone and Voicemail

Report an Issue with Telephone or Voicemail
Request a Telephone or Jabber Installation

Project Requests

Internal category for project requests

University Strategic Communication - Photography & News

University Strategic Communication provides copy and photographs for publications, news releases, media pitches, the USI website and internal communication.

Institutional Analytics Office - Qualtrics Survey Support

Create a Qualtrics accounts, survey creation assistance, and support for utilizing the survey software platform on campus.