Report an Issue

Use this link to report if something is broken, not working correctly, or you are locked out of your accounts.

Services (9) - Pathify Issues or Suggestions

Report issues with new portal/mobile app

Recommend New Service for Service Catalog. I Can't Find What I am Looking for!

If you cannot find what you are looking for in the Service Catalog, we would like to hear from you. Fill out as much of the form as you can, and we will review your request to determine if it would make a good addition to the Service Catalog.

Report a Network Outage (Wi-Fi, Internet or Network)

Notify the USI Networking Team of Network, Internet or Wi-Fi outages.

Help! I'm Locked Out of Everything!

You have lost access to your MyUSI, email, or other related accounts. This service should only be used if you cannot access any of your USI accounts.

Report an Issue to the IT Service Desk (Only if Issue or Request is NOT in the Service Catalog)

Take a moment to review the Service Catalog and determine if there is a form already created for your issue. The Service Catalog will request all the information needed and automatically assign the ticket to the correct IT group.

Use this link to report an IT issue to the Service Desk if you cannot find an appropriate service in the Service Catalog.

Report an Issue With a Lab or Classroom Computer

If a computer in a lab or classroom is not working

Report an IT Security Incident

Information Security Incident Response

Request Assistance Activating Your MyUSI Account

Assistance Activating your MyUSI account. Note that it can take up to 7 days for account activation.

Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) Reset

You have lost, replaced, or broken your phone and cannot access your account.