Report an Issue With a Lab or Classroom Computer

What is It?

Please report which computer(Instructor, #1, 2,... etc) and in which lab or classroom that is having the problem. Please also provide the type of problem (not turning on, software not working, Internet not working, error codes, etc).

Who is Eligible to Report It?

Faculty and students may request fixes to instructor stations or classroom lab computers. Once fixes are made, those who made a request will be asked to visit the classroom to confirm computers are working as requested. 

How do I request It?

Click on the "Report Issue" link on the right. 

How Much Does It Cost?

There is no fee for this service.


Report an issue with a lab or classroom computer


Service ID: 6202
Fri 12/1/23 9:08 AM
Wed 2/21/24 9:28 AM