How to Create Public or Private Microsoft Teams


Microsoft Teams is a communication and collaboration platform that combines workplace chat, video meetings, file storage (including collaboration of files), and application integration. The service integrates with the Microsoft 365 suite and features extensions that can integrate with non-Microsoft products. 


1. Open the Microsoft Teams app.

2. Click on the "Teams" icon on the left-hand side and select "Join or create team".

3. A box will open asking you to "Create team" or "Join team." Click “Create team”.

4. Click "Basic team".

5. Click "Use this template".

6. Select either Private or Public. We recommend using private so no unwanted members are able to read your teams messages or see files.

7. Name your team and add a team description. This will make it easy for your team members to distinguish between multiple teams. Then, click "Create.

8. On this screen, you will be able to add members. Type in their name and select the correct user from the USI directory. You can add more users later once the team is created.

Once you have clicked a user to add, you will be able to assign them to the role of a member or an owner.

Members are people in the team. They can talk with other team members in the conversations. They can view and usually upload and change files. They also do the usual sorts of collaboration that the team owners have permitted.

Team Owners manage certain settings for the team. They can add and remove members, add guests, change team settings, and handle administrative tasks. There can be multiple owners in a team.

If you do not want to add members at this time, click “Skip.” Otherwise, once you have added, members click “Create”.

9. You should be redirected to the general page of your team page; through here you can start sharing with your team.

Additional Info

Due to the fact that anyone with a student or employee role can create a Team, we enabled a Team expiration policy. Every 90 days, a Team with no activity will go through the expiration policy process.  The owner(s) of the Team will be emailed asking if their Team should be renewed.  If they respond, the Team is OK for another 90 days.  For this reason, we recommend that your Team have at LEAST 2 Owners.

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Article ID: 12793
Tue 5/14/24 2:41 PM
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