How to Forward or Unforward my Mail


If you prefer to use an email account other than the one provided you by USI, you can forward your USI email to a functioning account that you access regularly. If you forward to a non-functioning or non-existent email account, you could potentially lose important email messages. 

Disclaimer: It is your responsibility to periodically test the forward to see that it works.


These steps are for the web version of Outlook:


In the Outlook Web Client, select the settings gear in the top right

Then, click in the Search bar and type "Forwarding." Then click on "Forwarding."

To turn on forwarding:

1. Toggle the "Enable forwarding" box to on

2. Enter the email address you wish to forward to

3. Select the check box by "Keep a copy of forwarded messages" if you want a copy of incoming emails to remain in your mailbox.

4. Click "Save"


To turn off forwarding:

1. Toggle the "Enable forwarding" box to off

2. Click "Save"

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Wed 5/29/24 12:39 PM
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