Classroom Projection Issues


This will help you understand the difference between the Projector icons located on every instructor station. Familiarity with these icons and their function will help you solve projections issues on your own.v


Problem Description:

My Word Document, Web Browser, PDF or instructor station desktop in general is not being displayed through the projector (or large TV display - if present)



Locate these icons

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


  1. Figure out what you are trying to achieve with projection. e.g. showing a webpage versus a PowerPoint with notes.
  2. Choose the appropriate icon that will satisfy your projection by double clicking on the icon. 
  3. If double clicking either icon results in no changes, please contact the IT department for further investigation into the issue. 


Additional Tips and Troubleshooting:

Projector - Duplicate --Double clicking on this icon will allow you to project exactly what is on your instructor station monitor to your class. This setting is perfect to share a PDF, Word Documents, any web page, videos using a media player, document camera software, Zoom. 

Projector - Extend -- Double clicking on this icon will give you a second display in the classroom. This setting can allow you to open materials on the instructor station without the students viewing your actions. This setting is also primarily used with PowerPoint. The instructor station will show your current slide, next slide and any notes you have inserted in your presentation while the students only see the current slide. This image is what presenter view looks like if you have a PowerPoint with notes and or want to see your upcoming slide. 

Uploaded Image (Thumbnail)


One of these two icons can solve your projection issues very quickly without having to wait for an available technician to assist. 



projector, extend, duplicate, instructor station  


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Article ID: 5844
Fri 6/23/23 9:27 AM
Thu 7/18/24 9:27 AM