How to Clear Test Attempt in Blackboard Course.


This article details how to clear a test attempt for a student in Blackboard Ultra, so they could retake the test.


  1. Navigate to the course you want to clear a student attempt in.
  2. On the top navigation bar, Click Gradebook.
  3. In the Gradebook, located at the top left, click the Gradable Items tab.
  4. In the list of all gradable items, click on the test you want to clear the student attempt for. This will pull up a list of students and their submissions. Navigate to the student who you want to clear the submission for and click on their name.
  5. You will see the student submission, and at the top of the page, to the far right, next to the posted grade, you will click on the ellipsis (3 Dots), click there to reveal the drop down menu. On the menu, choose Delete Attempt to clear the attempt.
  6. You will be prompted to confirm that you want to delete the submission. To confirm deletion, click Delete, to return to the menu, click Cancel.