Report an Email as Phishing in the Outlook Desktop Client


Phishing is a type of social engineering in the form of an email. These emails have malicious intent and are trying to get you to do something that could cause harm to you or USI.  They generally try to get the recipient to act, whether this be clicking on a link or attachment or providing personal information. If you receive an email you think is phishing, you can report the message to IT using the Phish Alert Button.


These instructions apply specifically to the Outlook desktop mail client.

Before You Begin

Start your Outlook desktop mail client and find the message in your inbox you wish to report as phishing.


1. Open the phishing email you want to report

2. Click the "Phish Alert Report" button towards the top right of the screen

3. A Phish Alert pop-up box will open. Click the "Phish Alert" button at the bottom

Additional Info

If you have interacted with the sender or followed any website links, please alert IT and we will follow-up with you.

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Article ID: 13398
Tue 6/25/24 3:06 PM
Thu 7/18/24 9:38 AM