USI provides students and employees with a free copy of the Microsoft 365 Suite. The suite includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, and other Microsoft products.
Please note: These are instructions for installation on a system running a Windows Operating System.
Problem Description:
Users are unaware of their access to the software and do not know where to find it or how to install it.
1) Log into
2) Search for office365 in the search bar if the tool has not already been added as a shortcut to your page.

3) Select the Office 365 tool

4) Click on "Install and more"
5) Select Install Microsoft 365 apps

6) Open the “OfficeSetup.exe” file when it has downloaded.
7) Answer “Yes” to the “Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?” question. Then the installation will begin.
Additional Tips and Troubleshooting:
If you have issues finding or installing Microsoft 365 they can submit a service ticket at Service - Installing Microsoft 365 on... (
Related Resources:
Students can install and use Microsoft 365.
Microsoft 365, MS365, Installation, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneDrive, windows